Yesterday, the long-awaited feature film story about me, Spandex Sapiens, came out in Finnkino movie theaters across the country of Finland. To celebrate and promote this monumental occasion, FCF Wrestling held a 6-hour wrestle-thon, outdoors in downtown Helsinki, smack-dab in front of the city’s main movie theater, Tennispalatsi.
In the main event, to tie in to the Spandex Sapiens movie release, I fought against transsexual Jessica Love in a battle of both values and polar opposites, as Jessica is the main, free-thinking, liberal antagonist vs. my traditional, conservative, masculine prototype in the movie.
As I wrote in one of my latest blogs, I really believe that the people at large on a societal level will find themselves choosing a side in this movie and the themes and values systems presented therein. This was proven in blazing, vivid colors last night on the premises of Kampin Keskus, where the wrestling ring was set up in front of Tennispalatsi theater, when I got into the ring to take on Jessica Love.
Telling the truth, and having a whole audiences mindset turn against me. (photo: Aki Mäki)
I gave a heated and hearty promo prior to our match, where I chagrined over the lack of moral absolutes and black-and-white principles in our modern society. I challenged the crowd on hand to look into their souls and ask themselves if they really exemplified real masculinity as men, and real femininity as women, seeing how messed up our modern culture is in all its ambiguity. The people started to turn against me, almost as if they were programmed to do so. Brainwashed by the mass media and public sentiment of the day, the crowd became an angry mob. Someone told me afterwards, that they were afraid that someone from the audience would rush the ring amidst my match with Jessica Love.
Taking control of the match! (photo: Aki Mäki)
Jessica Love and I had a damn war of attrition (hell, I even penned the lyrics to a song by the same name by my thrash metal band Angel of Sodom!), in which we tore into each other with the kind of malicious intent that only two polar opposites could create! The ring was slippery as hell, as the sky began to sprinkle rain just as our match began. The canvas might as well have been an ice skating rink, making it damn hard to maneuver and get one’s timing down. It was risky all around, but the sheer personal nature of our battle overrode all else. The people present could certainly feel the tension in the air. It was as real as it gets, folks! captures the raw emotion of the finish of our match!
In the end, I had such trouble getting my footing because of the rain, that Jessica was able to crack me with a nasty enzugiri, which put me down on the mat. Jessica climbed the ropes to come off the top onto me with a senton splash, which I was able to roll out of the way from. I then immediately hit my trademark spike piledriver for the inevitable pinfall and win.
The audience erupted in boos and jeers. The people had spoken. A virgin wrestling audience, peoples of all different nationalities, chose a side. They went with the liberal, free-thinking brainwashing that they have been programmed to believe. Somehow, I am not surprised. As the referee in our match, Teemu, stated a few weeks ago on social media in regards to my person, “You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”
This is only the beginning. Just as the theater run for Spandex Sapiens has just begun this weekend, so the issue between myself and Jessica Love goes on. The next time we meet in the ring, it will be in front of Jessica Love’s own LGBT demographic. On July 1 in Helsinki, an event called Eurogames will take place in the city center. It’s a huge sporting event, in conjunction with the annual Gay Pride parade in Helsinki.
There could be no greater heel than StarBuck when it comes to this event. There could be no more sympathetic a babyface than Jessica Love when it comes to this event. When the gates open to the public at 12:00 on July 1, right out of the blocks, this war of attrition gets a second chapter. Jessica Love vs. StarBuck takes center stage at Eurogames, and it’s going to be a cold day in Hell-sinki for my transgender opponent when he/she goes down again, only this time, in front of his/her own people.
StarBuck vs. Jessica Love – chapter 2 – Eurogames, Helsinki – July 1
For anyone who missed the mass media exposure for Spandex Sapiens in Finland this week, here are a plethora of links to check out!!/post/5763d6960089b403009a2303